July 30, 2010

After the Surgery

David had the surgery yesterday and he came through it with flying colors. There was only one hitch - they discovered more tumors inside the pericardium (the sack which surrounds the heart). As a result, they did not remove the lung or diaphragm, since they could not remove the pericardial tumors. (There is a very technical explanation for all this, but it was way over my head!) Instead, they shaved off pieces of the lung where there were tumors and they hope to treat the remaining tumors with chemotherapy and radiation. We were both surprised and disappointed, since removing the lung is the best way to get all the cancer out. We hadn’t counted on the tumors near the heart.
David is in ICU today but will probably be moved to a regular room soon. He looks good and is feeling pretty good considering what he went through yesterday. His incision is very large, but is held together with surgical glue, so it really doesn't look too bad.

We appreciate all your good wishes and positive thoughts. They are still needed, so please keep them coming!


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